Monday, November 15, 2010


Black Swan is a new film coming out December 3rd that's already creating Oscar buzz. Starring Natalie Portman, it deals with the life of a ballerina, but more importantly, how women sometimes turn on each other. Chicks can fight dirtier than guys! Here are a few tips for avoiding your own black swan situation.

5 Don't's For Friendship

1. Don't talk more than you listen. This a golden rule. Sometimes all a friend needs is someone to listen, not advice, or judgement.

2. Fight fairly, if you have to do it all. Do not bring up things from 3 years ago, mock the other person, or say things you know will hurt them. Stick to how you feel, right now.

3. Don't be jealous or envious. Just don't. Your friends body type, relationship, financial situation, or career was meant for them, and yours for you. Don't hate, celebrate.

4. Give as much as you take. There's nothing worse than someone who always has their hand out. This rule aplies to all aspects of a friendship: time, favors, where you go, who treats, etc...

5. Don't gossip behind your friends back. This is just a no-no. If you really care about the person wait for the right time and the right words to settle any beef.
Uptown Girl


Anonymous said...

I might have to check this out!

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