Tuesday, February 23, 2010


New technology from the Swedish firm The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) called Recognizr could soon help you figure out who they are so that you can get up and greet them by name.
According to an article published Tuesday in Popular Science, Recognizr is a new application that can figure out who someone is--and auto-discover social networking information about them--based solely on a photo.
PopSci, riffing on the growing field of augmented reality, called the technology "augmented identity."
"Mashing up face recognition technology, computer vision, cloud computing and augmented reality with the complex digital lives many of us lead on the Internet," PopSci wrote, "TAT has created an app that allows you to gather information on a person and their social networking life simply by pointing your camera phone at their face."
Hmmm...very scary!!!


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